Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Off to Europe....

And I'm sick :-(

In my desperation to not have yesterday's throat tickle and
congestion turn into a full blown cold--I ran around buying every
supplement I could think of to stop what ended up being inevitable.

Anti-infective tincture from Dr. Fernando Vega--tastes horrible.
Gan Mao Ling from Dandelion Botanical.
Chai with cayenne pepper and Lemon from Morning Glory (has astragalus
in it)
Throat spray with propolis and astragalus
Vitamin C

I dropped some of the Anti Infective tincture in my nose. Bad idea.
Not only did it burn like a mother--but my mucus membranes started
closing up --which made breathing difficult. Fortunately, I
survived--but I honestly wonder if my tingling throat today is more a
function of virus or bad judgement...

I have two days for this to go away. We leave on Friday.

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